twenty-four monoprints, mounted on twelve wooden panels, assembled in twelve connected steel structures monoprints; ink, paper and metallic foil. sculpture; wood and stee 22’ x 15’ x 9.5’ (264” x 180” x 114” 2013
The steel and wooden panels of Hager’s installation appear to reach out to encircle the viewer, offering an alternative space at odds with the larger room. Pitched off-kilter, the regimented shapes ordered by industrial materials and taut cables offer yet another contrast. On each dark panel, the soft glint of metallic foil makes visible organic shapes, reminiscent of an emerging human figure. The stability that we expect of steel construction is undermined not only by the precarious angle but also by the faint figures that compete for the viewer’s attention. Despite our predisposition to trust structures that resemble engineered works, we approach this large work with caution, preoccupied with the struggle of the forms against the framework, the framework against the wall.
Dr. Kelly Watt, Assistant Professor of Art History Washburn University